Saturday, May 29, 2010


Despite all the stress and negativity I’ve been dealing with for the past couple of weeks, I think I can say that this past week has been good for my music project.
I kicked off last weekend with a sample playlist for “Dreamcatcher” which will be out very soon. In addition to that, I’ve laid down a handful of Trance tracks, some of them complete, some of them very near, others only in the concept phase.
All in all, I think they’re sounding really great so far and can’t wait to get stuck into finishing them. I’m sure you’ve already heard “Azure”, “Awakening”, “Venus” and the brand new sample from “Moonlight”. 2010 shall be the year of Gigitsu.
Lastly, a little bit more info on “Dreamcatcher”. I’m still deciding which tracks are going to be added to it, but so far it looks like it will be a very chilled out/ambient/minimal album with some surreal tracks and some modern classic. I’d love to throw in the new tracks, but I think they’ll be going onto a separate album with a more electronic feel.
I hope you’re enjoying the tunes so far and hope you’ll pass by the online shop once it’s all sorted out and finalized. Your support is greatly appreciated :)
Enjoy the weekend and take Care

RootMusic BandPage by Gigitsu